Kollokviot ja konferenssit
Call For Papers: Ajatus 100 vuotta/Ajatus 100 år
Esitelmä- ja keskustelutilaisuudet
Kuukausikokoukset vuonna 2025 Tieteiden Talolla (Kirkkokatu 6)
Muutokset mahdollisia!
- torstai 27.2.2025, klo 16-20 (sali: 505)
- torstai 20.3.2025, klo 17-19 (sali: 504)
- tiistai 29.4.2025, klo 17-20 (sali: 505)
- keskiviikko 24.9.2025, klo 16-18 (sali: 505)
- keskiviikko 22.10.2025, klo 16-18 (sali: 505)
- tiistai 18.11.2025, klo 17-19 (sali: 505)
Kuukausikokoukset keväällä 2025
27.2. (sali: 505) emer. prof. Eerik Lagerspetz: Vapauden paradokseja
20.3.2025, klo 17-19 (sali: 504) FT Karoliina Pulkkinen Tiede, teknologia ja arvot? Perspektiivejä Neuvostoliiton tieteen- ja teknologian historiasta
29.4.2025, klo 17-20 (sali: 505) dos. Jaakko Hirvelä: The Epistemic Continuum: Knowledge, Justification, and Certainty
20.3.2025 dos. Jaakko Hirvelä: The Epistemic Continuum: Knowledge, Justification, and Certainty.
Huhtikuun kuukausiesitelmän pitää akatemiatutkija Jaakko Hirvelä (Helsingin yliopisto). Tilaisuus järjestetään Helsingissä Tieteiden Talolla (Kirkkokatu 6), salissa 505, 29.4. klo 17. Esitelmä pidetään poikkeuksellisesti englanniksi.
Tiivistelmä esitelmästä:
Knowledge, justification, and certainty are some of the most central epistemic goods. While a lot has been said about each one of them individually, unified theories, which spell out the interconnections between these goods, and give a coherent account of them, are largely missing from the literature. In this talk I aim to remedy this shortcoming. I will provide a unified theory of knowledge, justification, and certainty in terms of the notion of risk. Roughly; one’s true belief amounts to knowledge just in case the risk of erring is low enough. One’s belief is justified just in case the risk of not knowing is low enough. One is epistemically certain just in case given the way in which one believes there is no risk of not knowing. After presenting the unified theory I lay out some of the structural consequences of the view. In particular, I show that certainty, unlike knowledge, validates a positive introspection principle, and that degrees of certainty map into degrees of justification. I conclude by suggesting that the structural connections I pose between knowledge and certainty have historical roots by reflecting on Descartes’ meditations.
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